Teaching from the "BOOK OF JOHN"
by Paul Sturz.

Audio captured from cassette tapes made by Joe's Dad.

Click links below to listen
tape #1, 61 min - Chapter 3
tape #2, 92 min - Chapter 15
tape #3, 94 min - Chapter 15, 16
tape #4, 32 sec - Chapter 16
tape #5, 61 min - Chapter 16
tape #6, 90 min - Chapter 17
tape #7, 88 min - Chapter 20,21
tape #8, broken
tape #9, 61 min - Chapter 17
tape #10, 56 min - Chapter 17
tape #11, 60 min - Chapter 17,18
tape #12, 61 min - Chapter 18
tape #13, 61 min - Chapter 18
tape #14, 53 min - Chapter 18
tape #15, 61 min - Chapter 18
tape #16, 60 min - Chapter 18-19


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I have seen in the last 50 years in the body of Christ a growing unity in the midst of a rich and growing diversity. This appears to be in answer to Jesus Christ's prayer for His people (John 17:9-23). We Christians are maturing as we learn to humble ourselves and accept criticism and disagreement from others as we work together in the global expansion of Christ's kingdom. We continue to test all things by God's Word, the Bible (I Thess. 5:21-24).


Some of the leading ministries that have helped equip me to be more effective in ministry (Ephesians 4:11-16) and greatly helped me in my growing understanding of God's Word are the following:

--Outstanding Christian world news magazine for any thinking person. Its columnists are outstanding and challenging and far from predictable. There's a good amount of humor, too, not the least of which is found in its editorial cartoon feature in each issue. http://facebook.com/WORLD.Magazine

--Free inspirational booklets sent quarterly in the USA and and some other countries http://chapellibrary.org

I used the Topic # in the back of the Thompson Chain Reference Study Bible for a rough outline of this message. It's the unique Chain-Reference® System that allows you to follow any subject, person, place or idea, from the front of your Bible to the end. Developed by Dr. Frank C. Thompson and used by many Bible students and teachers for over a 100 years. Order a copy for yourself new from the publisher http://kirkbride.com

--The magazine Mission Frontiers that opened my eyes to the great moves of the Holy Spirit going on all over the world. http://missionfrontiers.org

--Books by R. J. R u s h d o o n y in enlarging my vision to apply all of the Bible to all of life as I grow in being a disciple of Christ. http://chalcedon.edu

--After almost 50 years of ministry the Institute of Creation Research http://ICR.org remains a leader in scientific research within the context of biblical creation. Founded by Dr. Henry Morris in 1970, the institute exists to conduct scientific research within the realms of origins and Earth history, and then to educate the public both formally and informally through graduate and professional training programs, through conferences and seminars around the country, and through books, magazines, and media presentations.

--Find articles that provide some Biblical and practical information on how to help people gain deliverance from demons by Derek Prince http://derekprince.org

--Bible Gateway App: This free Bible app allows you to read the Bible in any of 90 different translations and listen to the Bible in several different languages. It works on or offline. It has search tools, daily Bible Verses, reading plans, and Bible commentaries. You can take notes, highlight text, and bookmark your favorite verses. The app also allows you to share verses on Facebook. Find it on iPad, iPhone, Android, and Kindle Fire http://biblegateway.com

--The best free online resource I have found for my computer that provides me with the basic tools and reference books to study the Bible. http://e-sword.net

--A very useful website for memorizing Scripture http://scripturememory.com also a great help is the VerseLocker app for your smartphone

--Here is to be found a great Bible teacher, R.C. Sproul, and his rich exposition of the Bible. http://ligonier.org

--Enrich your Bible teaching with the Library of Free Online Seminary Courses that I highly recommend at http://monergism.com/topics/education

--Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ effectively. We focus on providing answers to questions about the Bible—particularly the book of Genesis—regarding key issues such as creation, evolution, science, and the age of the earth http://answersingenesis.org

I encourage you to check out these websites and learn from the ones that appeal to you.

http://sturzchristiancounseling.com Facebook Group YouTube
Sharing what the Lord has taught me through: His Word, my mistakes, failures and successes and 47+ years as a Biblical counselor.

Look for my short daily morning Bible counseling messages on my Facebook Group and timeline.

The Good News of the Gospel is: Jesus suffered and died on the cross to pay the penalty for sin (and remove the guilt of anticipating sin's punishment & secure forgiveness for His own) & was buried & raised on the third day and so gained their justification and a place in heaven for His people (I Cor. 15:1-4; Romans 4:25; 5:1).

Repent and trust in Him today! (I John 1:9).